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stop being selfish, shortsighted & stupid

3' x 3'

wood and metal stabile

not for sale currently

We all must stop being selfish, shortsighted, and stupid if we want a surviving and thriving future for all. If we want to avoid early extinction for humans and other creatures and greater damage to Earth.
The current human path is to early extinction for humans and other creatures and greater damage to Earth. But the thriving path still exists, barely, to build a thriving future for all if and only if we act now.
We have a choice to make. Wise choice is a surviving and thriving future for all. Thrive! is a way to change our behavior and change our future to a much better surviving and thriving future. Thrive! is all of us together, a vast human endeavor, building a thriving future for all.



Acquire GChris sculpture and 100% of Chris' payment donated to Thrive! Scholarships. Sculpture price list. 

All Rights Reserved
Gary A. Christopherson

stop selfish shortsighted stupid